Saturday, August 15, 2015

Finding Joy in Creating

Yesterday, while scrolling through Facebook instead of "being productive," the title of an article caught my eye—"Elder Oaks Provides Surprising Answer to the Question 'Where Do We Find Our Greatest Joy?'" Joy is a concept that has always drawn me in. My favorite scripture from the Book of Mormon is 2 Nephi 2:25—"Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy." So, I clicked on the link to LDS Living article, and then followed the link to the full Deseret News article. In it I found the the following quote:

I loved the quote and immediately went to Pinterest to see if I could find it to pin it. To my disappointment, I couldn't find it. Jason suggested I create an image to pin. I initially brushed the idea off. Surely someone would create an image soon and then I could pin it. He then reminded me of what the quote said. After that, the idea dogged my heels.

Tonight I had some time, so I created it. And I did find joy in the creation process, as I generally do. I played with various fonts (thankfully having them restored after yesterday's fiasco of them all disappearing after the computer installed updates). I got to the point where I liked the fonts I had chosen, but it looked boring. So then I played with color, size, and spacing. Now I am happy with how it looks and am sharing it with all of you. Next step—pin it.

P.S. I took the picture in the background. A few weeks ago, Jason and I were driving back from Roanoke where he'd finished up the First Aid Training he needed for being a teacher. The clouds looked so gorgeous from the sunset, and I kept commenting to Jason on how pretty they were. When we stopped by Food Lion to pick a few groceries before going home, I took pictures of the clouds while Jason went in for the food. The colors had begun to fade, but the clouds were still beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. Love your design and the quote, which can apply to many things in life.
