Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Weekly Cleaning Chart

My husband and I recently moved into our first home, after months of fixing it up (watch for a future post showing before and after pictures). Now that we've moved in, we not only need to unpack, but we also need to maintain our home. I frequently find cleaning overwhelming. I'm tired after work, and it seems like there is just so much that needs to be cleaned. Over the years, I've seen many articles (via Pinterest and Facebook) with advice on how to keep your home clean. Below is a list of just a few of the articles I have found and saved over the years.
These articles inspired me to implement practices to keep my house clean. I have seen some cleaning charts, and decided to make one that would fit our needs. My husband and I discussed what we wanted on our weekly cleaning chart. Then I designed it, printed it, laminated it, and hung it on our fridge. 

Since it is laminated, we can mark off completed items with a dry erase marker. I am looking forward to using this chart (though not looking forward quite as much to doing some of the actual cleaning). 

What helps you keep your house clean? Let me know in the comments.